At BWY we currently offer advertising opportunities in our national members magazine, Spectrum, and through our community newsletters: In The Loop, Beyond The Mat and With The Flow.

Each region of the BWY has up to 1000 yoga enthusiasts and teachers, so if you have a retreat, book, training or product that would appeal to our communities, you can advertise in one or more of our newsletters.

To place an advert in any of the community newsletters, contact the editor via the regional pages under the ‘Community’ menu at the top of the page.


Spectrum magazine advertising

Planning a retreat or yoga holiday and looking for eager yogis to join you? With a readership dedicated to yoga, Spectrum could be your perfect advertising platform.

There will be a limited number of pages available for members’ advertising needs, no more than eight in total. Space will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.

Advertisements cannot to be in conflict with BWY teacher training so no training courses outside BWY offerings can be advertised. But yoga holidays and retreats are approved.

Members who have yoga-related products are also welcome to advertise in Spectrum.

If yoga people are your ideal customer, then Spectrum magazine is a great promotional and advertising tool and the perfect platform to reach out to thousands of BWY members and the yoga community.

Spectrum has a range of advert sizes to suit your budget when you want to advertise products, services, events, workshops and yoga retreats.

We offer BWY members a 30% reduction on the non-member rate – full details below!

Artwork will only be accepted in the following file formats:

  • High resolution PDF, JPEG or EPS
    (Word documents are not print ready artwork – please get in touch for artworking charges if you are unable to provide finished artwork)
  • 300dpi upwards
  • CMYK (RGB conversion chargeable)
  • Fonts embedded (outline all fonts)
  • Actual size (see table below for specifications)

Please send your artwork to stating in the subject heading ‘Spectrum Advertising Artwork’.

For further information about advertising in Spectrum contact the Editor at E: