This course is for you if you are:

  • Looking to take your yoga journey further following the completion of the Foundation 1 course, but not necessarily to teach.
  • Wanting to revisit the pranayama practices or Yoga Sutras for professional development post-yoga teacher training Diploma.
  • A teacher with a Certificate qualification and not yet ready to undertake the Progression to Diploma or simply wanting to explore elements in advance of the diploma.
  • Keen to enhance your knowledge as a stepping-stone to teacher training.

On completion of this course, you’ll gain:

  • The ability to safely practice and modify a range of postures (asana) with more detailed knowledge of their precautions, counterposes and benefits.
  • A deeper awareness of the philosophy that underpins yoga and how it can be used in daily life.
  • Detailed knowledge of pranayama and the use of kriyas, mudra and bandha to help direct energy flow to support self-practice.
  • The ability to design and evaluate a yoga practice.
  • A foundation 2 Certificate (based on 80% minimum attendance).

The course curriculum includes:

The physical: developing the concepts of Sthira Sukha (steady yet comfortable) through a practical exploration of postures across the eight movement types: forward, backward and side bends, twists, inversions, balances, neutral spine and seated practices. Also includes preparation for practice with an opportunity to explore kriyas.

The energetic: a detailed look at Pranayama (Breath control) with nostril, throat and ratio control. Exploring breath retention and when it should be used.

The holistic: an overview of meditation exploring the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali as well as preparation for meditation using Tratak (focus on an object), breath, sound and what mindfulness means.

The theoretical: A deep dive into chapter 2 of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, as well as gaining an understanding of Sanskrit terminology through mantra/chanting.

The practical: learning how to plan, sequence, modify and assess home practice plans working in groups, pairs and individually.

A great introduction, which demonstrates that yoga is much more than a series of poses. Interesting and stimulating and leaves you wanting to learn even more.

Cerys Baigent

Foundation Course Student, Hampshire


Meet the Foundation Courses lead – Anna Ferla

All our foundation course tutors have undergone high-quality yoga teacher training through BWY to deliver this yoga immersion course.

Overseeing the team of tutors, Anna is a Hatha, antenatal and postnatal yoga teacher and a Foundation Course 1 tutor. She has been teaching yoga since 2010, combining it with her love for alpine activities like hiking and rock climbing. She runs FC1 courses with Michele Misgalla and has been part of the  BWY London Committee for many years.

Yoga is a wonderful tool to help us understand ourselves and the world around us and how we can apply that to our daily lives to help us deal with modern-day living.